So how are the colors calculated you ask? I simply map the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator with the CYMK color model. If you are not familiar with the Myers-Briggs indicator, essentially personality types are broken down into four dichotomies: Extravert/Introvert, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, Perceiving/Judging. I map which preferences I think you are (from 0% to 100%) to the CYMK color value (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Black).

- Extravert/Introvert: At a party, do you start the conversation, or do you wait for others to
- Sensing/Intuition: In TV series Lost, would you be Jack Shephard or John Locke (sorry for those who haven't seen Lost)
- Thinking/Feeling: Do you despise romantic comedies, or do you outwardly or secretly love them
- Perceiving/Judging: Do you prefer to take things as they come or plan ahead

I did a bit of analysis just for kicks to see if there were any glaring patterns in my friends. Unfortunately (or fortunately) the personalities are pretty balanced, with the exception of the first dichotomy, which is significantly more extroverts than introverts (which makes sense, since I am an introvert, creating a chicken-egg dilemma with other introverts). There are also a bit more judgers than perceivers- otherwise, the other two are pretty balanced.
I broke the results up into various segments such as female/male, old/new (pre-college, post-high school), lived with/ didn't live with, platonic/crush+ (crush+ = anywhere between had a small crush on to had a relationship with- don't bother trying to reverse-engineer this, you'll get nowhere), and just for fun, Mac vs PC. As you can see once again, the segments are pretty balanced usually resulting in a dark-pinkish-grayish color.

This is likely more interesting to me than it is to you, which is why I'd recommend you try it for yourself with your friends- you might be surprised by the results!
Update: Since the color mode is automatically converted when I save as a jpg or gif, I cannot post an accurate color model. If you really want to know, download the photoshop file here: Make sure you're in CYMK color mode... to test its accuracy, my color is [92,18,27,75]. Unlike past interpretations of you, I am willing to give anyone explanations of your scores if you ask. Generally, the more blue you are, the more introverted you are (red being more extroverted). If you are more feeling, you will become pinker if you are extroverted and more violet if you are introverted. If you are more intuition, your color will become more dull if you are violet, and more orange-y if you red/pink-ish. Darker is more judging, and lighter is perceiving.
Update 2: I accidently reversed the judging/perceiving pair... I've updated the post to reflect the fix- everything should now be accurate
Do you think your results would be more accurate if you actually had your friends take the test? or do you think people would answer the questions by what they want to be, and thus give skewed results as well?
According to the Myers-Brigg test I just took, I should be color 6c442d, which is a lighter version of what I currently have (apparently the biggest difference Brian thinks I'm more Perceiving than Judging, and more Introverted than Extroverted which equals a flip of the K and C color expressions)
I just realized that inputting a CMYK % in Photoshop yields different %'s when I reverse-engineer that very same color, so now I'm confused.
My Myers-Brigg Results were:
89% E
12% N
50% F
33% J
highly expressed extrovert
slightly expressed intuition
moderately expressed feeling
moderately expressed judging.
bfoo! I love the MBTI! Wrote about this for my senior paper, haha. I'm an INFP, what are you?
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