Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Blog Shuffle

Over some time, there's a bunch of things that I wanted to blog about, but ultimately felt that they were best eaten in slices than in entire pies. Therefore, I will present them to you in a sampler of mini-posts, since they just couldn't make it on their own as full posts, and were a tad too long for Twitter.

Collectors and Destroyers

I always wondered what made me a manic collector of action figurines, toy cars, trading cards, goosebump books, and (unfortunately) pogs, and people like my brother, a destroyer of said collections. I also see my nature to collect things reflected in my approach to other things in life. I only like to do projects in which I can actually measure the accumulated progress of said projects. I think this is related to my all-or-nothing tendancy, as a collector's need to have ALL of a collection, otherwise it's not worth it. The negative part of being a collector is that you are often risk averse and slow to adopt, and many times miss opportunities for good change.

The Incredible Shrinking Man

I know being short has definitely shaped who I am, but to what extent? There's the obvious Napoleon complex that drives me to destroy all things tall. As far as sports, I've been driven towards more individually-focused sports (as opposed to team sports) such as martial arts, wrestling, pole-vaulting, and rock-climbing. My center of gravity is very low, so I have good balance which probably helped drive me towards b-boying. I'm always in the front of pictures, always struggle in large crowds, and don't know what the tops of people's heads look like. What would my life be like if I were just 3 inches taller? Would I just be a taller version of me? Probably not by far...

Shitty Behavior

I hate taking a crap next to someone. It's disgusting and uncomfortable. Usually I just wait it out, but there's this one other person at work who hates crapping next to people more than me. I know him by his shoes. And unfortunately we're always on the same crap schedule. Even if I come in after him, he will not go until I go. Sometimes we'll sit there for minutes on end, in silence, calling each other's bluff. He always wins. Damn, I just need to change my crap schedule.

Learning from Mistakes Without Making Them

I feel this is always a double-sided sword. The idea is that if you sit back and observe in life, you will learn from the mistakes of other people- much easier than actually making the mistakes yourself. It makes sense and has worked for me to an extent. The other side of the coin is that you're sitting back and observing. Sometimes we're defined by our scars, and sometimes making mistakes is just a part of the bittersweet experience of life, and sometimes the only way to really learn.

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